Monthly Archives: November 2022

What Happens When Someone Breaks a Contract

Contracts are legally binding agreements that ensure that both parties involved in a business deal meet their obligations. In the event that one of the parties fails to fulfill their end of the agreement, it is considered a breach … Continue reading

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Peace Agreement Israel Sudan

On October 23rd, 2020, the United States announced a historic peace agreement between Israel and Sudan. The deal came as a surprise, as Sudan was previously seen as a staunch ally of Palestine and openly hostile towards Israel. However, … Continue reading

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Subscription Service Agreements

Subscription Service Agreements: What You Need to Know In today`s digital age, subscription services have become extremely popular. From streaming services like Netflix and Hulu to monthly snack boxes and beauty supplies, consumers are subscribing left and right. But … Continue reading

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Collectively Bargained Agreement

A collectively bargained agreement (CBA) is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of employment between an employer and a union representing the employees. The purpose of a CBA is to ensure that both parties are aware … Continue reading

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Alberta Education Collective Agreements

Alberta Education Collective Agreements: What You Need to Know Collective agreements are important in any industry to ensure fair wages, benefits, and working conditions for employees. In the education sector, collective agreements are crucial for teachers and support staff … Continue reading

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