Know what you’re looking at and what you’re looking for.
Salt and pepper look different under a microscope or at 30,000 feet. Perspective and intent impact what we look for and see.
What’s the first thing an archer does after shooting? Check the target, of course, to see how accurate the shot. What would you think of an archer with no interest in seeing where the arrows hit?
Assuming philanthropists know what they want and have directed their efforts at achieving measurable goals and objectives, there is nothing more important than checking results of a program or project after a certain amount of time has passed. Wanting to see where the arrows hit is done for only one reason: to learn from our inaccuracies so we can correct and improve our aim.
Kesselman Consulting has been designing, running, and evaluating projects and program areas for many years. In our opinion, what makes a good philanthropist is not only a willingness, but a need to find out what has worked, what hasn’t, and why.