Service Level Agreement Template Sample

When it comes to business relationships, it is essential to have a clear understanding of the services being provided and the expectations for both parties involved. This is where a service level agreement (SLA) comes into play. An SLA is a contract that outlines the services to be provided, the quality standards expected, and the remedies if those standards are not met. In this article, we will provide you with a service level agreement template sample that can serve as a framework for your business relationships.

Before we dive into the template, let us discuss the key components of an SLA. An SLA should include:

1. Scope of Services: This section should describe the services being provided, including details such as the duration of the service, the geographic location where the service will be provided, and the equipment or tools required to provide the service.

2. Service Level Objective (SLO): This section should outline the performance measures that the service provider is expected to meet. It should include both quantitative and qualitative indicators, such as response time, uptime, and resolution time.

3. Roles and Responsibilities: This section should define the responsibilities of both the service provider and the client. It should clearly outline who will be responsible for what, including any training or documentation.

4. Performance Reporting: This section should describe the reporting and monitoring procedures for measuring the service provider`s performance. It should include details on how often reports will be generated and who will receive them.

5. Remedies: This section should outline the remedies that will be available to the client if the service provider fails to meet the agreed-upon SLO. It should include provisions for penalty fees, compensation, and termination of the contract.

Now that we have covered the key components of an SLA let us have a look at our service level agreement template sample.

Service Level Agreement Template Sample

Scope of Services:

[Insert a brief description of the services that will be provided]

Service Level Objectives:

[Insert detailed performance measures that the service provider is expected to meet, including quantitative and qualitative indicators]

Roles and Responsibilities:

[Insert a description of the responsibilities of both the service provider and the client, including any training or documentation]

Performance Reporting:

[Insert details on how often reports will be generated and who will receive them]


[Insert provisions for penalty fees, compensation, and termination of the contract if the service provider fails to meet the agreed-upon SLO]


In conclusion, a service level agreement is a crucial component of any business relationship. It ensures that both parties have a clear understanding of the services being provided, the quality standards expected, and the remedies if those standards are not met. Our service level agreement template sample is a good starting point for creating your SLA. However, it is essential to tailor it to your specific needs and requirements of the business relationship to ensure that it serves its intended purpose.

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